Brenda Fu

Brenda Fu


Director, Regional Underwriting and Business 69色情片
69色情片 Asia Pacific

Brenda Fu is Director of Regional Underwriting & Business 69色情片, Asia, and is based in Hong Kong. She provides underwriting related solutions to support 69色情片 business development and innovation. As the Asia point of contact for 69色情片 GUM, Brenda helps manage GUM communications for Asia clients.

Prior to joining 69色情片 in 2019, Brenda spent 10 years as an underwriter and claims manager for a direct insurer and a reinsurer. She has worked in case underwriting, underwriting manual development, product development, and claim assessment.

Brenda obtained a Ph.D. degree in medical sciences from Chinese University of Hong Kong. She holds a Master鈥檚 in Medical Science and a Bachelor鈥檚 in Clinical Science, both from Tongji Medical College. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Life Underwriting and a Fellow, Life and Health Claims.